Enhanced online mode offers competition in game-specific leagues and up to 4 free play. Vibrant characters and an all-new narrative adventure add dimension to the addicting arcade puzzle game. As well as item cards to energize your team. The all new Skill Battle introduces character-based skills that can quickly turn things around in a match. From solo adventure to competition on the couch, in passing through online ranked matches, and more. Offline or online, you will have many modes that will allow you to play as you wish. But also keep an eye out for what to expect. Or complete a row of blocks to clear them from your board and dump garbage in your opponent’s game. To bring even more fun to Puyo-popping and Tetrimino-clearing in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2. World famous Tetris game franchise have teamed up again. Japan’s beloved puzzle game series Puyo Puyo. Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese Languages : English, French, Italian, German, Spanish. Specifications Of Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 PC Game This Game Is Crack And Highly Compress Game.